Tuesday, November 24, 2009

International Terrorism

It took me almost six weeks to complete this esoterica (if such word exists) but I am still not very sure what I am trying to say.
The Fox History series ‘International Terrorism since 1949’ with its punch-line ‘Know terror to fight terror’ is really nice one. Although I always fear the history they put forward is somewhat US biased, but truth even though one sided is still truth, its upto us to look at the other side of the coin.
Take the example of Nasir and his support to PLO, in some movies on Fox History like Sadat, his portrait is quite dark but the episodes like ‘The Greats’ praises his leadership and vision for modern Egypt.
The point of confusion for me is the thin line between freedom fighter and a terrorist. How to differentiate both?
Today morning I was watching this episode about Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and Cuba.
Although what these guys did in Cuba is always inspirational to me and maybe many people in the world, the program seemed to be United States propaganda to sketch him as ‘terrorist who became president of a nation and survived for 60 odd years’. It is USA’s open and dark secret that the bulk of terrorism, today the world is fighting against, is the descendent of US policies and their intelligence agencies.
But for now, let me explore my confusion in more detail and with some crude examples. Prabhakaran and his Tamil Tigers, who were they? Terrorist who killed thousands or Freedom fighters who betted their lives for their Tamil nation? Terrorist in Kashmir, Khalistanis, Irish Republican Army, PLO and many similar? My patriotic mind easily categorizes Tamil Tigers, Kashmir separatist and Khalistanis as terrorist, but on the similar lines if somebody from England thinks that Bhagat Singh and Hindustan Socialist Republican Association as terrorist is he/she wrong?
I don’t know if I am being hypocrite or what but let me put it simple; fighting for our soil, nation and people is a right given by our destiny and the same applies to others. In the fight against unjust powers if we forget this for a single moment and deny this right to others, we may cross the boundary between freedom fighting and terrorism. Well, that’s where Bhagat Singh and Prabhakaran differed, even though both used violence as a mean to achieve liberty, one was never involved in bloodshed of innocent British men and the other never spared a single man, woman or a child who raised voice against him.

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