Monday, February 1, 2010

coming back to life

This might seem to be abstract today, but I wrote this a year back, trying my way out of those gloomy days.
Every situation has her words, doesn’t matter whether you are happy, sad or lost. Your heart rhymes it to sing a song of life, voluntarily, anonymous to you, making every moment priceless. And when thousands of questions fill your mind keeping no room to find an answer, suddenly you could hear that melody, rhythmic, still meaningful, conveying the same which your heart was trying to convince for last few days.
While I talk about heart, never able to figure it out, what that really means. Science says, it does not have power to think. Then why do we say, listen to your heart. The entity without self being, but still you could understand her language, and not what your head says.
Afterall what are emotional and practical thoughts? may be two parts of the same brain, confusing you with two conflicting thoughts. When I choose a difficult path to come out of the situation, I suppose I listen to my heart, because what my head points is convenient way, (or practical?). Is being practical means being selfish and brutal? I would never find an answer to this.
To conclude these vague thoughts, here are the lines from Pink Floyd,

where were u, when I was burnt n broken
while the days slip by from my window watching
n where were u when I was hurt n helpless
b’cause the things u say n things u do surround m
while u were hanging urself on someone else’s words
n dying to believe in what u heard
I was staring straight into the shining sun
lost in thoughts n lost in time
while the seeds of life n seeds of change were planted
outside d rain felt dark n slow
while I pondered on this dangerous but irresistible pastime
I took d heavenly ride thr’ our silence
I knew d moment had arrived
for killing d past n coming back to life
I took d heavenly ride thr’ our silence
I knew d waiting had begun
heading straight into d shining sun

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